Imbak para sa Setyembre, 2010

God’s Yoke is Easy

Posted in Uncategorized on Setyembre 8, 2010 by etchosera

Word For Thought

 Matthew 11:30 “For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light”

We all go through seasons that are more difficult than others; seasons where we’re working hard but not making much progress, you’re doing your best, but it still seems stagnate. There are seasons in our finances where it’s one struggle after another. If we’re not careful, we’ll lose our enthusiasm and think, “This is just the way life is. Life is just hard.” Yes, there are seasons when we have to stand strong and do the right thing even though it’s difficult; but don’t make the mistake of settling there thinking that’s the way it’s always going to be. God said,“My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” There is something called the anointing of ease that can change everything! When you step into this anointing, the things that used to be difficult will suddenly become easy. Things you used to struggle with won’t be a struggle anymore.

God gives you a supernatural grace-a favor-that lightens the load and takes the pressure off. Your part is to stay in faith, keep believing, and keep hoping. No matter how difficult things may seem, stand strong because His anointing of ease will carry you through.

God bless you !